Biden Brags About Defying the Supreme Court as the Slurring and Incoherence Hits a Fever Pitch

By Nick Arama

Joe Biden seems to be getting worse lately. Perhaps it's because so many things are blowing up because of his failed policies, especially in the Middle East. Perhaps it's also because they're making him run around to more events to campaign so they're upping what he has to do and it's showing. Perhaps his condition is just getting worse. I tend to think it's all the above.

Whatever it is, you can see an increase in his incoherence and confusion, particularly over the past couple of weeks.

But they're still playing this game where they tell him to jog a few steps to prove how vigorous he is. 

Here he is speaking at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers’ Construction and Maintenance Conference in Washington, D.C. on Friday. 

Jogging a couple of steps doesn't translate to having the coherence for the job, and unfortunately, the ridiculous jog doesn't help that. 

This is not a stutter; this is something wrong. Listen as he is barely coherent, can't fully form words, and leaves out other words.

That's why is what training? I'm not sure he even knows.

But whatever he's saying, he really, really means it. That's why he's yelling. That shows his passion. Who cares if it makes any sense?

This was perhaps the worst one of them all -- what the heck was that word? Fedurahhhh.

We probably all remember "Truananualdepressure." But now it seems like that's happening all the time. 

He claimed people were doing better and he "could go on."

But he can't, because they aren't. 

The guy who claims he wants to bring people together and protect democracy then attacked Republicans and the Supreme Court. He disparaged Americans who were MAGA Republicans as a "different breed of cat."

Biden also bragged about ignoring the ruling of the Supreme Court and doing what he wanted when it came to canceling student debt on the back of the taxpayers.

It's a blatant vote-buying attempt. Biden doesn't care about "fairness" to the taxpayers who have to underwrite this move or how it upsets the "democracy" and norms. This was after he claimed that there was a choice between "freedom" and "democracy" on Thursday. 

They are placing us all in danger by refusing to acknowledge his issues. But all they care about is trying to hold onto power. 

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