
LIVE: President Trump Keynotes TPUSA Faith's Believers' Summit in West Palm Beach 7/26/24

President Trump will join Turning Point Faith's "The Believers' Summit" in West Palm Beach on Friday, July 26, 2024. His remarks will begin at 8:00 p.m. ET. Join the Conversation! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ We have a wonderful, active, and engaged community. Come join us in the comments section below! You'll need a Hyvor account (100% free) if you don't already have one. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

With warmth & humor, Trump meets Netanyahu for 1st time in 4 years, praises ‘very good relationship’ with Bibi while blasting VP Harris

By Joel C. Rosenberg Former President Donald J. Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday at his Mar-A-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, and initial indications suggest it could not have gone better for either man. President Trump greets Prime Minister Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago 🇺🇸🇮🇱 — Margo Martin (@margommartin) July 26, 2024 It was a significant meeting for two reasons: First, the two men have not met personally for the past four years after a very serious falling out. Second, the meeting comes one day after Netanyahu had his first White House meeting with President Joe Biden in four years. It was also his first meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris since she became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president and after she pointedly refused to attend Netanyahu’s address to a Joint Session of Congress on Wednesday. I just landed back in Denver after covering Netanyahu’s visit to Washington. WHA

Shannon Watts: White Women 'Have 100 Days to Help Save the World'

By Cam Edwards Shannon Watts may no longer be heading up Moms Demand Action, but the gun control advocate is still very much involved in progressive politics. On Thursday, Watts hosted a Zoom meeting called "White Women: Answer the Call" in support of Kamala Harris that raised about $2 million for the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, while lecturing white female voters for supporting Republicans. Reason  senior editor Elizabeth Nolan Brown sat in on the meeting and was less than impressed by Watts and other speakers.  “White women, we have 100 days to help save the world” — Elizabeth Nolan Brown (@ENBrown) July 26, 2024 I guess that was supposed to be inspirational, even though it just made Watts (and the Zoom attendees) sound like self-important Karens who place an awful lot of importance on the color of their skin.  According to Watts, however, it's only white women who vote Repiublican who are bigots.  There’s a lot of urg

France's High Speed Rail System Is Disabled by Terror Attacks and There Is One Very Good Suspect

By Streiff France’s rail network was hit by several acts of  sabotage  Friday, just a few hours before the opening of the Olympic Games. The attacks hit  high-speed rail lines at three locations, bringing all operations to a halt for a time estimated as "days." Over 250,000 travelers are currently affected, and that number will rise to over 800,000 by the weekend. Officials said fires were set at around 4 a.m. local time at three sites around the country’s rail network in a coordinated and precisely targeted attack. The damage is disrupting service on the lines that bring traffic to Paris from the north, southwest and east. The saboteurs cut and then burned signaling cables, requiring laborious repairs that will take days, officials said. Sabotage hits France's rail system — streiff (@streiffredstate) July 26, 2024 One team of saboteurs targeted a line that serves southeast France but was foiled by rail authorities, officials said. “What w

Joe Biden's Defense Department Poised to Strip the Medal of Honor From 20 US Soldiers

By Streiff Joe Biden's Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has convened a special panel empowered to revoke Medals of Honor awarded to 20 US cavalrymen. The panel is looking at the Medals of Honor awarded for the Battle of Wounded Knee, where some 350 hostile Dakota men, women, and children were killed in a confused and one-sided fight. Ausitn's  charge  is to review records of the event, investigate “each awardee’s individual actions,” and “consider the context of the overall engagement.” “It’s never too late to do what’s right,” an unnamed senior defense official  said in a statement  Wednesday. “And that’s what is intended by the review that the secretary directed, which is to ensure that we go back and review each of these medals in a rigorous and individualized manner.” The engagement occurred during the last gasps of the Indian Wars that began shortly after English settlers arrived in Jamestown and dragged on until the  early 20th Century . The wars were bloody and filled

RFK Jr. Responds To Trump Endorsement Rumors, Slams Kamala

By Mark Steffen Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is responding to rumors that he offered to endorse former President Donald Trump in exchange for some quid pro quo, possibly an appointment in a second administration if the Republican wins in November. Posting on X, the notable vaccine skeptic dispelled allegations that he would end his campaign before November, telling his 3.1 million followers that he’s “in it to win it.” “I’m in it to win it. I lead in popularity and independents are now the largest voting bloc. Momentum is shifting in my favor as I close in on ballot access in all 50 states. I look forward to challenging President Trump and the DNC nominee at the next debate. #AmericaStrong 🇺🇸,” wrote RFK in response to a Students for Trump representative reporting that he was beginning to cancel multiple campaign events. I'm in it to win it. I lead in popularity and independents are now the largest voting bloc. Momentum is shifting in m

Is Sen. Mark Kelly Trying to Buy His Way Onto the Kamala Harris Ticket?

By Joe Cunningham Kamala Harris is having to go through a  very  abbreviated running mate selection process. She doesn't have months to really consider her options. In fact, she doesn't really have multiple weeks. She's gotta make the decision fairly soon. Of her options, there are some that would objectively benefit her. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro would be a great choice in that it could keep former president Donald Trump from winning Pennsylvania and make his pathway to victory much harder. Shapiro is, in fact, such a good option that the left's antisemitic wing can't help but try to torpedo that immediately. Tell VP Harris and Democrats: NO Josh Shapiro! Josh Shapiro has compared peaceful protestors to KKK ralliers, has opposed a ceasefire in Palestine, has promoted for-profit charter schools, and has covered up a sexual harassment scandal in his own office. — No Genocide Josh (@NoGenocideJosh) July

WATCH: The Cringe Returns With a Vengeance in Video of Kamala Harris and the Obamas

By Bonchie If it wasn't official before, it's official now. Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democratic Party presidential nomination and the general election. With the DNC set to hold a virtual roll call to avoid chaos on the floor, I can't foresee any scenario where Harris doesn't get the nod. Not with the Obamas, Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer all in her corner. That's good for the current vice president because it allows her to operate as the presumptive nominee and bypass any sense of disunity within her party. Harris is still Harris, though, and that was illustrated in spades after a  clearly  scripted and focus-grouped call between her and the Obamas was released. To be fair, the vice president had a fairly disciplined week as far as her less desirable public ticks go, but the cringe returned with this one. I'll transcribe it, but you have to listen to it to get the full effect, including seeing the very end. OM

It's Time for Rashida Tlaib's Expulsion From Congress

By Rusty Weiss Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's behavior during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday was more than reprehensible. It was definitively grounds for expulsion. Tlaib sat stone-faced, having no other version, and taunted Netanyahu during his speech with an auction-style paddle that alternately read “War Criminal” and “Guilty of Genocide.” The Michigan Democrat, who is Palestinian American and one of just three Muslim members of Congress, now moves beyond being a simple anti-American oddity and is nearly indiscernible from the radicals in Washington, D.C., who on the same day removed and burned American flags at Union Station, replacing them with Palestinian flags. She and the protesters you saw yesterday are practically interchangeable. Given the opportunity to hold up a “war criminal” sign, those anti-American scum in the street would have leaped at the opportunity. Likewise, given a chance to burn an American

O’Keefe Media Group Exposes Disney’s “Gender Expression Transitioning” Program (Video)

By American Patriot On Thursday, O’Keefe Media Group disclosed internal documents that uncover Disney’s Gender Expression and Transitioning programs. The G.E.T. program advocates for modifying one’s natural body, and the documents further expose Disney’s health insurance plans covering genital mutilation surgeries. Per James O’Keefe: REVEALED: O’Keefe Media reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney’s G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program, which promotes the notion that being “authentically me” involves altering one’s natural body. The G.E.T. program video pressures Disney employees to conform to the demands of their gender transitioning co-workers. Internal documents reveal that Disney’s health insurance plans — through Kaiser, HMSA, AdventHealth, and Orlando Health Cast Advantage — cover mutilation surgeries under the guise of “gender affirming care,” funded by consumer dollars. OMG also uncovers Disney’s secret PRIDE Think Tank, part of th

Legal Group Launches Several Investigations Focusing On Kamala Harris’ Record, Use Of Campaign Funds

By Cullen McCue America First Legal, a nonprofit conservative legal watchdog group, launched seven separate investigations into Vice President Kamala Harris’ prosecutorial background on Thursday. “A lot of her tough on crime reputation goes to her prosecution when she was San Francisco DA, individuals who use marijuana and other sorts of things,” AFL President Dan Epstein said in a statement to  Fox News .  “Our investigation, however, makes it very clear that Kamala Harris does not believe much in terms of statutes passed by legislatures, including the Federal United States, Congress, as well as the state of California.” AFL has submitted a number of records requests to the California Attorney General’s Office as part of its investigations. The group is probing the vice president for failure to comply with federal donor privacy laws; failure to enforce federal immigration laws; failure to pursue equal justice; failure to disclose conflicts of interest; failure to address