Watch: Kamala Harris’ Wacky ‘Culture’ Word Salad Appears to Befuddle Even the Hosts During ‘Essence Fest'

By Sister Toldjah

Among other things, Kamala Harris has become infamous in certain circles for being the absolute queen of non-sensical word salads, an unintentional practice she’s practically turned into an art form over the course of her time as Joe Biden’s second in charge.

Her penchant for uttering awkward and embarrassing “words of wisdom” at her public speaking engagements is so well-known that not even the Democrat apologists at The Daily Show were able to ignore it, posting a “Veep reboot” of sorts back in October that one could not help but laugh at:

The latest installment of Kamala word saladry comes courtesy of an appearance she made at the Essence Festival of Culture in New Orleans at the end of June. During a back-and-forth exchange with moderators Monica Simpson, a self-described lesbian reproductive rights activist, and woke “View” co-host and Kamala fan-girl Sunny Hostin, Harris explained as only she can what “culture” meant to her:

Simpson: So can you talk to us — because, you know, we are in the room, in the epicenter of Black culture this weekend. And there’s a lot of folks in here, in particular Black women — how y’all doing? — (applause) — who are in this room, who want to take action. They want to protect their rights. They want to be able to move and channel their energy in very intentional ways.

What are some — some of your ideas as to how we can do that? And how important do you think culture is, in particular, to help us do that?

Harris: Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And — and present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.

And — and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy, because every — you know, it comes in the morning. (Laughs.) We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.

Watch Harris deliver her incoherent remarks below and notice how Simpson at one point feigned laughter as Harris spoke and how Hostin had a smile on her face that looked forced and planted, as though both ladies were like “ookay, what the heck is she saying?”

If anyone out there can translate that, please let us know because I sure can’t. The only thing that I sort of made out was Harris laughing nervously about finding joy “in the morning” – like I hope she’s not talking about what I think she was talking about, and let’s just leave it at that.

In any event, there you have it. And to think Kamala Harris is actually considered by the Biden-Harris campaign to be pivotal to their reelection success. No, seriously. They really do believe that.

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