Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Here's a Big Reason Why Portland's Antifa Seems to Have a Never-Ending Supply of Rioters


Ever wonder why there seems to be a limitless supply of Antifa terrorists in Portland, Ore., year after year, riot after riot, conflagration after conflagration? Why there’s no shortage of purple-haired screamers willing to toss Molotov cocktails, tag buildings with old-timey revolutionary slogans, set GOP headquarters on fire, firebomb pregnancy clinics, punch people they don’t like, loot stores, and point lasers into the eyes of police officers? Wonder no more. The Antifa summer camp for kids is back this summer for the first time since their fellow travelers in communist China unleashed the COVID-19 virus on the world

Once again, Portland Leftists will support another new crop of screamers, taggers, rioters, looters, and IWW dead-enders at the Antifa training camp for kids called the Budding Roses Summer Camp.

We’ve told you about this metastatic social cancer in Portland before. My PJ Media colleague Jeff Reynolds reported in 2019 that Portland’s Leftist churches have allowed their facilities to be used to encourage the God-hating communists and anarchists in Antifa to bring up the next generation of nihilists to tear down the next generation of institutions.

And as I’ve reported at PJ Media, city parks, taxpayer money, and other resources have been put into the service of building the next generation of terrorists who don’t believe in right and wrong — unless it concerns their “struggle” against The Man.

The City of Portland has given the group space to conduct its in-person camp at a local park, and in 2018 granted the summer camp the “Spirit of Portland Award” for nonprofit initiative of the year. The program is said to be inspired by the “Black Panthers free breakfast program,” according to an official who bestowed the 2018 prize. The reason was the shared goal “to engage critically with social justice issues… in collaboration with the Burgerville Workers Union, Critical Resistance PDX (an anti-law enforcement group), Food Not Bombs…”

The fourth through eighth-graders who are invited to the camp are given handbooks of chants to scream at protests, encouraged to start their own protests, shown art techniques on how to tag buildings, and told where all the top riot spots are in the city.

Black Lives Matter bromides and “black resistance” techniques are taught in a handy coloring book. “Undoing the harm of colonization… by giving back to the earth that gives to you,” is naturally taught by virtue of encouraging … gardening?  “With our seed balls, we are going to feed the bees that pollinate our food.” How is gardening an act of anti-colonization? No idea, but you’re a racist if you don’t get it.

And for satan’s sake don’t grow that garden in the wrong spot! The kids receive an “indigenous map” showing where the white people shouldn’t be. Kids are told to learn their “land acknowledgment” first before they do anything else.

Luckily, kids are given Antifa tips in a copyrighted, easy-to-read graphic novel featuring a “helpful neighborhood anti-fascist” sharing how to counteract tear gas and how to tell the difference between smoke grenades and CS gas.

Kids are taught that police departments should be abolished.

Budding Roses

Here’s a beloved ol’ timey chant taught to these impressionable kids about how awful police officers are.

The Whole Damn System
Is Guilty as Hell
Indict! Convict!
Put Those Killer Cops in Jail!
The Whole Damn System
Is Guilty as Hell!

They sing old Woody Guthrie tunes and other hits beloved by their Rose City Antifa and Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Foundation parent sponsors.

Campers are shown where their heroes staged sit-ins and burned other people’s properties and churches, and they’re shown techniques on how to take over public spaces. They spout cliche-ridden chants about how The Man is out to get them and that fascists are people who don’t agree with them. Kids are given boxing lessons to punch fascists. Seriously, what kid doesn’t need to know this?

You might wonder why any of this is important to middle-schoolers anyway considering that either police, the “prison industrial complex,” or climate change are going to kill them within 12 years anyway.


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