National Guard and Reserves Critical to Fighting Virus on the Border, in States

By Paul Bedard

At the urging of President Trump, troops with the U.S. National Guard and military reserves are taking a leading role on the border and in several states to help in the “war” on the coronavirus outbreak.

After Trump’s authorization over the weekend, some 10,000 National Guard forces were at work, helping to set up medical facilities in key states.

“National Guard and Reserve forces make daily contributions to our national security,” said John Ullyot, spokesman for the White House National Security Council.

He said that “federally-funded members of the National Guard have already been activated by the governors of California, New York, and Washington to help support state and local emergency virus response efforts in those states.”
In addition, nearly 3,000 Guard troops are deployed along the southern border, where Trump has doubled down on efforts to block illegal immigrants from crossing and potentially bringing the coronavirus in with them.
Some reports have suggested that the troops on the border should instead be shifted to states with the virus.

For example, the Los Angeles Times headlined this week, “U.S. troops remain at southern border despite waning migration, as coronavirus spreads elsewhere.” It also suggested that the border mission has dried up because the U.S. has stopped travel into the country, though in fact the effort to find illegal crossers is still occurring.
Administration officials said that blocking those with the virus from entering the U.S. requires a bigger effort on the border to find illegal immigrants and send them back. That’s where the troops are helping.

And, they added, while up to 5,000 troops are authorized to line the border, there are another 2 million active, reserve, and National Guard troops in the military that can be tapped to help disaster efforts in states.
Ullyot said that the smaller group on the U.S.-Mexico line is key to helping the U.S. Border Patrol.

“Protecting our border is a national security priority, and without proper precautions, which can only happen through orderly, lawful entry at the borders, the virus could pose greater risk of harm to Americans, migrants, law enforcement personnel, healthcare professionals, and so many more,” he said.
Trump has said during his daily coronavirus task force briefings that protecting the border now is more important than ever.

“This experience shows how important borders are. Without borders, you don’t have a nation,” the president said on Tuesday.
On Sunday, he directed the Pentagon to allow the three states to tap the Guard under a provision that aims to support state and local emergency efforts. Title 32 also reimburses the states for the Guard’s support of their disaster response, such as aiding in virus testing.

Air Force Gen. Joseph L. Lengyel, chief of the National Guard, said that his 450,000 troops are ready to help. “We remain flexible and committed for whatever mission we may be called to do,” Lengyel said last week.

The National Guard lists on its virus webpage at least 10 states it is helping in the efforts against the outbreak.

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