COVID-19 … What is really going on?

Good evening my dear friends.

The following BRILLIANT piece was written, and posted earlier by none other than our wonderful friend, and fellow patriot, Keebs. This was naturally posted at her own site, Keebs Korner, which I HIGHLY recommend visiting if you've never been there before because it's positively fantastic.  Anyway, with her kind permission I'm reprinting it here, though you can also follow the link at the bottom of the article to her site to read it there if you like.

Thank you very much Keebs!



I’m going to preface this thread by saying this is my own personal opinion based on what I have seen and experienced. I’m not looking for people to agree or disagree with me, but am certainly open to your comments. It's just my own perception of what’s been taking place here and abroad, and asking the questions that I’m not sure enough of us are asking. I will be backing up my opinion with some articles, tweets and videos I have encountered. There’s enough evidence out in the open if one just looks for it. I prefer to call this a "Plandemic" because that is what I believe we are experiencing.

I’m not saying I have all the answers, or that my perception and opinion is fact. It’s my opinion.

First, I do believe there is a real virus out there?
Yes, I believe the virus is real.
I just don’t believe it’s the death knell virus–this plague, if you will–that is being pushed by the media, which caused the initial panic and chaos (panic buying in the stores, etc.) and continues to do so.

But something isn’t right. Why do I say this?

A) What we are seeing just doesn't corroborate with what the media is spewing. They want to induce further panic and chaos in hopes of continuing to trash the economy along with Trump’s chances at re-election.
  1. CBS was caught using footage from a hospital in Italy for one here in NYC. Did they not learn from when ABC did this with a gun range in Kentucky? In fact, they are still using this footage even today. Fox News was the latest to use it in discussing the field hospitals being set up in Central Park for this supposed surge of COVID patients.
  2. Why has the media pushed the story of the man who took fish tank cleaner and died saying it was the drug the President was discussing in the briefings. That was a lie. Those people had mental illnesses. (Will post tweet in the comments)
  3. They have used images from movies (caskets lined up one after the other) to promote panic of massive amounts of casualties from COVID-19. (Tweet in the comments)
  4. Hospitals are not overwhelmed, and there is no war zone, despite what the media is touting. Wanting to know for themselves, people are going out and taking video of their local hospitals…no war zones, no long lines for testing, no stuffed hospital corridors. In fact, many nurses on Twitter are saying the opposite. They are not seeing the mass amounts of cases coming in as has been conveyed, and the hospitals where they work are not overwhelmed. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. (Tweets in the comments)
​B) Data is skewed to cause more panic. They are not reporting actual numbers of deaths caused specifically from the virus, nor are they reporting recoveries. Direct causality of the virus itself is extremely low, but we are not told that. And we are seeing medical professionals, including Dr. Fauci, backtrack on the original hysterical numbers. Good example of this is from Italy (and it’s probably the same all over)… Only 12% of Covid deaths actually list Covid-19 as cause
Other questions to ask and things to think about:
  • Governors and mayors in various states are flexing their political muscle, imposing ordinances and curfews that are unconstitutional. The economic downfall is causing a much larger problem than the virus itself. Businesses are closing (some closing permanently because they cannot take the hit from this), workers laid off, panic buying still present in some locations and some stores are still in short supply of necessities like bath tissue and hand sanitizer. Is this all a false flag, a drill gone live?  
  • Why is there such an enormous overreaction from a virus that apparently is far LESS deadly than the flu? There was no such reaction when H1N1 or other strains of the flu occurred in the past that took far more lives and infected far more people, young and old, healthy and those with underlying medical conditions.
  • Is this a test on how easily a bioweapon (or even a hoax bioweapon) can cover the globe and cause worldwide panic? How easily would people give up their rights and livelihoods for safety?
  • Why does the media no longer want to cover the press briefings ever since a known cure has been found?
  • Why are some Governors preventing the cure of hydroxychloroquine, a known malaria drug that has been approved for decades by the FDA, from being distributed in their states? (Michigan, NY, etc) Why are some fake news anchors continuing to tout the same? (Rachel Maddow, MSNBC)
  • Dems held the stimulus relief pkg hostage so they could get all their pork pet projects in there. They had the leverage to get what they wanted, for the most part. They do not care about Americans, and that is obvious.
  • Blame game on the President for the virus in the first place… he closed the border to China early on and was called a racist. Now they are claiming he didn’t do it soon enough. Speaker Pelosi and the fake news media are publicly saying that Trump has blood on his hands. Gotta get that narrative going…
  • Mayors shutting down churches and synagogues perhaps “permanently”… DiBlasio .. no mention of mosques?
    Also, arresting pastors who refuse to close their doors to their parishioners. (articles below)
  • Governors in some states are releasing prisoners into the streets all under the guise of not wanting to spread the virus? Why let sex offenders, murderers and other hardened criminals run the streets? Criminals are considered more important than law abiding citizens. In fact, Dems are demanding that the DOJ release as many prisoners as possible no matter the crime! Some have already been released. Very telling, indeed.
  • It’s another means for the House Dems to investigate the President. Pelosi has already spoken publicly about this and is threatening it. (tweet in comments)
What could have been the reasons for unleashing this Plandemic? 
One thing can be said of all this… It sure has taken care of those pesky protests that were happening in many countries, including France, Spain, Italy, and Hong Kong. The patriots of those countries want their country back. They are tired of being infiltrated with refugees who are rapidly taking control and causing mayhem. We have seen this for a fact in Sweden, Germany, and England.

Impose a way via the Relief Bill thru the House to foster voter fraud with mail-in and online voting. No ID required. This almost made it through…thankfully it was stricken from the bill before the President signed it.

  1. Could be using this to eliminate those they consider a burden on society… perhaps their elderly population?
  2. Was the only thing that seemed to work to disburse the Hong Kong protestors in quick fashion and keep them away.
  3. They want Trump out, who has imposed stiff tariffs on their goods and has taken away their cash cow by changing the trade agreement with them. I believe this is still an ongoing process..
However, my main belief as the reason for this Plandemic is that Trump is a threat to globalization and the elites.

Nothing the Deep State has attempted thus far has worked to get him removed, and the November election is right around the corner. Think about it… Russian Collusion (Steele Dossier & FOIA), Impeachment, Stormy Daniels, the Fake News media storm and continuous negative press, etc. None of it has worked, and Trump’s support continues to gain in number. Rally attendance grows with each and every one. The Dem controlled House, however, continues to try and find ways to remove the President and  threaten to impeach or investigate him on anything and everything they can drum up. I believe we will see this again before the election. Perhaps more than once.

President Trump has been a huge influence on other countries who want to take their country back from Socialist ideals or from being overrun by immigrants and refugees who refuse to assimilate and be productive contributors to society. They would prefer to feed off the government and let their taxpayers shoulder the burden.

Think about the new leaders that are being elected in some of these countries… they are more conservative than their predecessors–are nationalists wanting to preserve the native culture of their country, and their citizens are rallying behind them. Brexit happened as a result, and other countries will follow. The EU will be a memory pretty soon. Globalist communists like Soros, aren’t too keen on that. They live for power.

President Trump has been the only president to stand up to the media mob and call out fake news. He has used the power of social media to control the narrative (all he has to do is tweet), and is taking our country back from the globalists (socialists/communists) who almost succeeded in the utter and complete destruction of America under Obama’s reign. He is cleaning house of Deep State operatives that have been implanted there over the decades, and replacing the liberal, agenda-driven judges with judges who will rightly interpret the rule of law.

I worry about future implications as a result of the reaction to the Plandemic… the precedent it has set for future viruses or anything else that those in power deem to be a threat to society.

Is this what we have to look forward to?

And quite a few more examples. Check out the original from Keebs in her own comments section for more example tweets!

Original Here

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