Bandy X. Lee, the Trump-hating psychiatrist, refuses to diagnose Biden’s issues

Bandy X. Lee is a psychiatrist affiliated with the Yale School of Medicine. She entered the American consciousness in 2017 when she led a pack of psychiatrists, none of whom had ever spoken to Donald Trump, who declared that his extreme mental illness constituted a state of emergency. The psychiatrists claimed a “duty to warn,” even though this duty, like the duty to diagnose, requires having treated a patient.
Three years have passed since then and Trump’s governance has been consistent with American norms (but for the Obama interlude). He is a right-of-center president, although more effective than most. The only thing that distinguishes him from 20th- and 21st-century American presidents is that he refuses to take insults lying down and he keeps his campaign promises.
Lee, though, has never walked back her unethical diagnosis. Indeed, when asked to comment on Joe Biden’s manifestly bizarre pronouncements, while she refused to address Biden's issue, she doubled down on Trump. Her post at Medium about Biden is both weird and laughable.
In the opening paragraph, Lee self-righteously announces that she would never diagnose someone without an examination unless there’s a clear and present danger – and Biden isn’t dangerous:
I do not diagnose without examination and do not speak about public figures in general, unless there is evidence of such profound danger to public health and well-being because of serious signs of mental instability in a public servant, that it would be a public disservice not to share my knowledge and training. Biden has not risen to this threshold. 
While unconcerned about a man who speaks Grandpa Simpson-level gibberish, Lee is still obsessed with Trump. Among other things, she castigates him for mean tweets, insulting “legitimate news sources,” “traumatizing children” (which was okay when Obama and Biden did it), “programming and hypnotizing his followers,” and all sorts of other conspiracy theories.
Lee then risibly claims that the mere fact that she attacks only Trump proves how non-partisan she is:
I only speak up when there is a medical need of such great magnitude as to risk the survival of the human species. This is definitively Donald Trump, not Biden. Nor is it Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, or any other false equivalences people wish to create for political purposes.
Put another way, Lee is bothered by Trump’s rhetoric but is untroubled by Biden’s corruption and dementia, Sanders’ unhinged adoration for communism, and Hillary Clinton’s corruption and violations of national security.
People apparently had a few issues with Lee’s self-serving statements, conspiracy theories, and manifestly partisan approach to “non-partisanship.” Therefore, she felt compelled to issue an addendum defending herself. The addendum is even funnier than the original post:
Since my comments have been widely circulated under a misinterpretation, I would like to clarify, I did not say that Joe Biden shows no disturbances. Indeed, he shows signs that may be of concern under ordinary circumstances. But as long as we refuse to confront the current emergency that is existential for the entire human species and historic in proportion, it will be a distraction. When you have a person before you bleeding and about to expire, you attend to the immediate emergency first. This is what we do in medicine: we triage minor, less urgent cases for later.
Then, to round out her insanity, Lee proceeds to diagnose Trump’s supporters too:
Recommendations, for those who requested, on how to deal with Trump supporters (3/7/2020): There will be a lot of projection, which is why minor issues in Joe Biden are magnified (to the level of reality in Donald Trump), while Trump’s defects are minimized (to the level of reality in Biden). If you look at my “translations” of Trump’s words (, you will see that whatever he or his followers say about others will be a direct reflection of himself or themselves. The psychopathology behind this is complicated, but you will discover that it is quite accurate.
Her suggested approach for treating the millions of allegedly psychopathologically-damaged, delusional Trump supporters, standing alone, should cause Lee to lose her license:
Hence, here are my suggestions: (a) do not confront them with facts, for it will only rouse resistance (subconsciously, they already know what is true, which is why they project very accurately); (b) do not invest in trying to persuade, for the problem is in granting an impaired individual power (which spreads pathology in a previously healthy populace), not in their cognitive system; and (c) continue to state the facts elsewhere, without intimidation, so that a delusional narrative does not overtake the truth.
When it comes to delusional narratives, one has to admit that Lee is an expert!
If Lee represents the caliber of professionals at the Yale School of Medicine, that once-reputable institution is circling the drain, another victim of the leftist takeover of academia.