Thirty-one Days of Winter 2020

By Steve McCann

World history will record that the period between the 7th of January and the 7th of February 2020 will be among the most consequential 31 days in the past 25 years.  In the United States this same period will also be remembered for the first stages of the precipitous downfall of the Democratic Party and the vindication of Donald Trump and his America First doctrine.

In China on the 7th of January the authorities “announced they had identified a new virus, according to the WHO. The novel virus was named 2019-nCoV and was identified as belonging to the coronavirus family.”

By the 7th of February the virus had spread to all 31 provinces of mainland China and a Level1 medical emergency was declared in 30 provinces.  All inter-province bus and train service was cancelled in 20 provinces.  50 million people in various cities were subject to strict quarantine.  All 70,000 movie theaters throughout the country were closed as were a majority of the schools.  Many factories are temporarily shuttered, and air travel greatly curtailed.   The Bank of China provided $250 Billion in liquidity in order to avoid the potential collapse of the country’s financial system.  By the 7th of February, per the now very suspect official government statistics, there were 34,600 confirmed cases and 723 deaths.  However, the leadership of the country has effectively admitted they have no idea of how many cases there are or how to stem the spread as unrest and anxiety spread.

China, already experiencing a recession, is now facing a potential implosion as their ability to be the world’s major supplier of manufactured goods is seriously in question.  Due to the government’s incompetence, mismanagement of this and previous epidemics, and a looming financial crisis, companies throughout the globe that have manufacturing operations in China or are dependent on Chinese production of component parts are now feverishly looking to relocate to other nations.

Because of Chinese ineptitude and lack of candor, the prospect of a global recession has dramatically increased.  In only 31 days, China’s path forward has forever been compromised as their grandiose plans for world domination have suffered a major and permanent setback.

On the 31st of January the United Kingdom officially exited the European Union.  A thirty-year experiment that is now doomed to completely unravel as more member nations will gradually opt to leave the ill-fated attempt to unite 28 nations with different cultures, histories and languages into one de facto entity administered by a central government.  This fracture will cause Europe, and in particular France and Germany, to have to confront the consequences of self-destructive immigration, economic and social policies as a more splintered and discontented continent faces recession and social unrest.

President Trump alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel unveiled a new Middle East peace plan on the 20th of January.  There have been many peace plans floated over the past 60 years, however, this is the first proposal by either the United States or Israel to be well received and tacitly supported by various Arab states.  As Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, major allies and financial backers of the Palestinians, welcomed the Trump peace plan.  Thus, opening the door for the eventual resolution of decades old animosity and conflict.

In the United States the Impeachment trial of Donald Trump began on the 16th of January.  For the first time in American history impeachment articles were passed on a purely partisan basis, alleging no high crimes or misdemeanors.  During the trial in the Senate, the nation saw that the Impeachment was animated by political motives and had no basis in any of the so-called facts presented by the Democrats in the House.  In the shortest presidential impeachment trial in American history (two and a half weeks) Donald Trump was acquitted on the 5th of February.   By comparison the trial of Andrew Johnson took ten weeks and Bill Clinton four and a half weeks.

The Democrats not only exposed their puerile demeanor and breathtaking animosity towards President Trump but in forcing a trial in the Senate they have forever marginalized and rendered almost meaningless the Constitution and the impeachment process.

On the 4th of February as the nation watched the State of the Union speech, the Democrats’ puerile demeanor and breathtaking animosity was further on display.  Nancy Pelosi’s actions, as well as that of nearly all congressional Democrats, exposed the stark contrast between them and Donald Trump.  He was the adult in the room getting things done while having to deal with a gaggle of unruly and petulant adolescents.

On Monday, the 3rd of February, the Democrats’ caucuses took place in Iowa.  It became quickly obvious that the party hierarchy was determined to make certain that Bernie Sanders not emerge victorious with the wind at his back going into the next few primaries.  Thus, the long drawn out counting process that extended until the 6th of February and mitigated any positive momentum for Sanders while revealing to the nation that the Democrat Establishment is corrupt and self-serving.

Sanders unabashedly professes to be a socialist while virtually all the other potential nominees try to obfuscate their allegiance to socialist dogma and authoritarianism, as exposed in the presidential debate on the 7th of February.  Additionally, it has become increasingly apparent to the American people that none of these candidates are likeable or electable.

Over these four-plus weeks two realities about the Democratic Party came into focus.  It is now the socialist party of America and its elected and administrative hierarchy is incapable of governing the nation.

On the 7th of January, Donald Trump’s approval rating stood at 42% -- on the 7th of February 49%, the highest of his presidency.  Further, in a February 3rd Gallup Poll, 63% of adults approved of Trump’s handling of the economy and 74% of the American people believe they will be better off a year from now. Combine these factors with the ongoing implosion of the Democrat Party and Donald Trump is poised to win re-election and work with a Republican majority in both Houses.

These 31 days in the winter of 2020 have highlighted: 1) The vulnerability and potential downfall of America’s chief global adversary.  2) The looming evaporation of the façade that is supposed harmony and good governance among the nations in Europe.  3) The extraordinary probability of a permanent peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.  4) The realization that Donald Trump, because of his profoundly successful America First policies, he, and not the statist and self-serving Democrat Party, is the nation’s best option.

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