MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Is ‘The Enemy’


MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace referred to President Donald Trump as “the enemy” Monday, urging Democrats against succumbing to internal divisions.
Wallace said if Democrats “pick an automobile” as their candidate, she “will vote for it” over Trump.

Wallace made the comments after two of her guests, MSNBC commentator Jason Johnson and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders adviser Nina Turner, disagreed over whether it was fair to describe former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as “an oligarch.”

“Can I say something? Jason Johnson is a frequent guest on my show. I think this is a really important debate and I’m really glad you didn’t let it get boiled down to the use of a word. It is not about a word. Here’s the other — and I understand different views about the system. The enemy is the guy in the Oval Office who thinks there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville,” said Wallace.

“The enemy is the guy in the Oval Office who got a permission slip to cheat in presidential elections. The enemy is a guy who calls his generals dopes and losers. I am nauseous when I see Democrats fight amongst themselves,” she added.

“I know that Republicans get no say — I’ve said I’ll vote — if you pick an automobile, I will vote for it. I feel so wary when I see these really, really intense fights around someone trying to help y’all win.”


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