Gun-Grabber David Hogg Puts Out A Statement So Stupid Everyone Is Now Dumber

By Andrea Widburg

Billy Madison, in Adam Sandler's eponymous movie, is a rich kid with an utterly empty mind and childlike logic who repeats all 12 grades of primary school over 24 weeks.  Because it's a Hollywood movie, Billy excels and eventually is able to take over his father's Fortune 500 hotel chain.  In the real world, David Hogg is playing the Billy Madison role, and it's clear that his exposure to Harvard, rather than making him smarter in a Billy Madison–esque way, is actually making him dumber.  Much dumber.

How else can one account for the tweet Hogg, a Harvard freshman, shared with the world this weekend?
A tweet like that inevitably brings to mind the perfect insult the moderator at an academic decathlon hurls at Sandler's Madison character:

Mr. Madison, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
The sad reality, though, is that Hogg tweeted out this illiterate gibberish because it's what's being taught in academia today.  We know of a student at a quality liberal arts school who was asked to write about pre-colonial North America from the perspective of race, sex, or gender identity/sexual orientation.  Hogg isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but he's smart enough to absorb the utterly inane, ahistorical nonsense that's being pumped into the sponge-like brains of the students in America's "top" college and universities.

In his own way, Hogg is a victim, but that didn't prevent the blogosphere from rejoicing in his extraordinary ignorance:

While there's a certain mad change in running with Hogg's lunacy, a lot of people brought a dose of reality to the whole circus:

And here are two apropos tweets from the recent gun rights rally in Richmond.  Hogg might really have learned something had he attended.

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