General Flynn’s List Exposes D.C. Pedophile Network
Good afternoon/evening everyone!
From a discussion thread a little while ago, our fellow patriot and community member, Elaine Blackman, shared this one with me, and so I'm putting it here for everyone. Enjoy!
By Ellis Washington
To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it.
Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons.
~ Tweet by Roger Stone, 5 Aug. 2017
To Alinsky General Michael Flynn: ‘Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it’
In an Aug. 14th bombshell interview by radio host David Zublick of InfoWars, host Roger Stone cites this revelatory report that the real reason the Deep State forced President Trump to fire his NSA head, Gen. Michael Flynn was not because of alleged Flynn/Russia collusion (which doesn’t exist and the MSM hasn’t been able to prove), but because Gen. Flynn has in his possession a long list of names of elite and powerful D.C. politicians (Democrats and Republicans), including judges, lobbyists and Deep State apparatchiks on a pedophile list. “According to political operative and Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone, General Michael Flynn is sitting on a list of Deep State pedophiles,” according to Zublick “and will use that list as protection against attempts to harm him, his family and the President.”
In a wide ranging interview, Stone also reveals that: “Reince Priebus was a pedophile enabler who was instrumental in leaking information to the press, John McCain is mentally unbalanced and should have been court-martialed for treason, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is opposed to everything Donald Trump stands for, and is in fact part of the Deep State attempting to do Trump harm, and that the new White House Chief of Staff, General John Kelly is keeping valuable information from the President.” That incredible admission corresponds to facts stated in a Aug. 15th InfoWars interview of Dr. Jerome Corsi by Owen Shroyer. When asked by Shroyer why was the news about Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio being convicted on an Obama-inspired political revenge prosecution, Corsi directed the discussion to recently appointed Chief of Staff Gen. Kelly to purposely keep information and relevant news from Trump that the Deep State doesn’t want Trump to know about and further responded:
“I think part of the problem with Gen. Kelly is he’s going to try to keep any news coming from InfoWars or any of the other channels that are really in touch with Donald Trump’s base from reaching Donald Trump and insulate him to a prepackaged kind of mainstream media approach to the news. I don’t think it is going to be successful. I think Donald Trump follows InfoWars. He certainly has followed the reporting I’ve done for years, and I think that this case and Sheriff Arpaio’s is a clear indication that this is the case. And I think Roger Stone would support that.”
“A former CIA agent says that Gen Michael Flynn was ousted from the White House after obtaining a Washington, D.C. pedophile list naming list naming high-level politicians who belong to a DC pedophile ring.” According to Robert David Steele, “Flynn was fired after he obtained a list of names, some of whom the FBI were actively investigating in connection to the PizzaGate scandal and one of whom was Vice President Mike Pence’s best friend.” When this incredible information is exposed more to the public domain, it will bring greater scrutiny into the life of VP Pence.
Obvious questions will be asked by the public: ‘Do birds of a feather flock together’? Why was Flynn’s alleged ‘lying’ to Pence the last straw that caused Trump to force the resignation of Gen. Flynn? This is all too convenient and in D.C. politics there are no such thing as coincidences. Everything, everybody in D.C. to survive must plan and plot one against the other. “Trust no one” are the D.C. watchwords. Nevertheless, to get at the truth ask yourself, Qui Bono? —Who benefits? Robert Steele, “a former CIA officer says there are locations in Washington, D.C. and Saudi Arabia where children are routinely ordered and trafficked to highly-placed politicians operating in the capital. According to Steele, Donald Trump is our last chance to take down the Deep State.”

Why House Speaker Dennis Hastert wasn’t charged for pedophilia?
“The white hat intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie Sanders. Former CIA Head, John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the electoral college and that “John Brennan is the highest-paid agent of Saudi Arabia and should be under FBI investigation,” according to Zublick’s report published a few weeks ago. But it gets worse. Former Chief of Staff under the Trump administration, “Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper [sic] of pedophilia and part of the reason he was replaced as the Chief of Staff was because of that. And former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert (a well-known pedophile who was forced to resign for bank accounts used to hide payouts to his pedophile victims), is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Inside info has it that they couldn’t charge Hastert for pedophilia because he personally knew all the D.C. pedophiles. How? He was promoted to Speaker of the House as a reward for running the Uber secretive D.C. pedophile network, thus if they charged him for pedophilia, legal discovery would expose all the politicians, judges, Deep State apparatchiks and foreign leaders on this list. This would explode the D.C. devil’s den of evil, so they swept all the Speaker’s grotesqueries under a rug, convicted Hastert on tangential charges of bank fraud and failure to disclose and sent him to the federal penitentiary for 13 months. He’s currently a free man now as unrepentant as ever. Hastert has in fact sued his victims for the $1.7 million he was forced to pay off to hid his pedophile crimes against them, to now return his money!? You can’t make this stuff up.
‘I’ll have the stake, the house wine and Boy #9’
“Pedophilia is an elite privilege for the Democrats it is an acquired taste and John Podesta is pedo-lite. The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a big-league thing, the Zublick report stated, and cited further incriminating and grotesque evidence that: “there are Saudi Arabian and Washington, DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off the menu. D.C. Pedophilia is the Achilles heel and Donald Trump has figured that out.” Here I must depart from Stone’s analysis for I am not convinced that President Trump has figured out who the real enemy is? He seems to keep putting Deep State apparatchiks in key high positions like Gen. John Kelly as his new Chief of Staff whose first order of business is to isolate Trump and screen what information is coming to the President—information that is bent towards disinformation and toward Deep State globalism, both are not compatible with Trump’s ‘America First’ Nationalism.
The Zublick report continued that Trump’s National Security Council head, “General Flynn did not get fired because he called the Russians. Flynn got fired because he had the arrogance to think that he could tell [Gen.] Mattis and [Secretary of State] Tillerson what to do. And Flynn pissed off Vice President Pence. Now Flynn’s call that got him into trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the U.S., one of them happens to be Vice President Mike Pence’s best friend [Arizona Senator] Jeff Flake.” Did Pence get angry because: “Flynn did not tell Pence about the list or that his best friend was on it”? This begs the question, how did: “Pence find out about this list from the Deep State”? The answer is well-known and is demonstrative of Orwellian 1984 dark, dystopian narrative in modern times— “The Deep State, the NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity and the CIA is leaking highly classified information as part of a political and military coup against Donald Trump.”

Radio host David Zublick in a Aug. 14th interview of InfoWars host, Roger Stone asks what he meant by his Tweet on Aug. 5th 2017— “Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons #Netherlands.” Stone replied, “The Tweet you referred to is based on my own substantial research the idea that is promulgated by the MSM that pedophilia is non-existent is [more] than false. In fact, certain strata of society both in the U.S. and Europe many, many of the elites are engaging in pedophilia, sex trafficking of children. We have documented substantial sex trafficking [of children] from the nation of Haiti in wake of the horrific earthquake there. This is sex trafficking conducted by the government installed and abetted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. I think a number of the high-level officials around the Clintons in her campaign and in his White House are active pedophiles.”
“Gen. Flynn, I am led to believe has a list of known pedophiles that was provided to him by international sources in The Netherlands. I believe that is his ultimate protection in the current Deep State effort to take him and the President Trump down. I know of no evidence of any illegal activity by Gen. Flynn. Those who say he lobbied for Turkey and that he failed to register and disclose that are incorrect,” stated Stone. “By law a lobbying contract held by at that point former general with the nation of Turkey would happen out in two places—One, in the U.S. House of Representatives… and the other with the State Department, Office of Foreign Agent Registration. Now, in this case Gen. Flynn filed with the House [of Representatives], but he failed to file with the State Department.”
“If he were trying to hide something they were trying to conceal it, he would never have filed anywhere. This was just an inadvertent legal mistake and obviously can easily be remedied quite easily with an amended filing under the Foreign Agent Registration Act,” said Stone. “So, it’s much ado about nothing; it’s an attempt I believe to discredit Gen. Flynn because the elites and those engaged in pedophilia, about child sex trafficking know that he has the goods on them.”

Reichstag Fire Redux and Agitprop
Of course, the demonizing of the highly decorated Gen. Flynn is based on trumped up, fraudulent charges by Obama, Hillary, the Democrat Party along with the Deep State operatives who are desperate to hide their decades of criminal and grotesque crimes; who obsessively hate President Trump. Holocaust Democrats have always used Communist tactics like divide-and-conquer and Agitprop (Agitation-Propaganda) to create societal chaos, to isolate and destroy enemies, but most importantly to distract the public from the real issues and crimes visible in plain sight like the MSM blackout scandal of rampant pedophilia scandals by D.C. elites and world leaders particularly in European countries like England, France, Italy, and by Middle Eastern countries particularly Saudi Arabia who order children off the menu in certain exclusive D.C. restaurants!
These evil political tactics like divide-and-conquer, Alinsky targeting, and Agitprop aren’t without precedent. Recall the Reichstag Fire in Germany of 27 Feb. 1933 (less than one month after Hitler was appointed Chancellor (most likely started by a Nazi conspiracy between Hitler and his loyal henchman Hermann Goering to secure absolute power in Germany according to the definitive history by William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Shirer wrote:
It will be remembered that the aged President [Hindenburg] was bamboozled into signing the decree the day after the Reichstag fire when Hitler assured him that there was grave danger of a Communist revolution. The decree, which suspended all civil rights, remained in force throughout the time of the Third Reich, enabling the Fuehrer to rule by a sort of continual martial law.
In my 2015 essay for RenewAmerica titled, Hitler’s Reichstag fire and the Progressive pretext for Tyranny, I chronicled the accumulation of events after Hitler’s unlikely rise to power, elected by the people of Germany—
On January 30, 1933, Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor and leader of the coalition government. As Chancellor, Hitler demanded that German President Paul von Hindenburg to disband the Reichstag (German Parliament) and demand new parliamentary elections which would be held on March 5, 1933. Hitler’s Machiavellian scheme was first to solidify a National Socialist majority, to eventually secure his position as both Chancellor and President of Germany and eliminate all communist resistance. Hitler desired to use pseudo-legal strictures to eliminate democracy by passing the Enabling Act. The Enabling Act was a special law which gave the Chancellor the power to pass laws without the participation of the Reichstag; to essentially rule as a dictator. Ironically Hitler’s new dictatorial powers were allowable under the old Weimar Constitution (1919-32) whereby the President could rule by decree in times of emergency using his Article 48 powers. However, the extraordinary supremacies of Hitler’s Enabling Act went even further; empowering that the Chancellor (not President von Hindenburg) held these immense powers.

On February 27, 1933, just after 9:00 pm, the Berlin Fire Department was alerted that the Reichstag was burning. The building was virtually destroyed by the blaze when extinguished by the firemen at 11:30 pm. Upon inspection, the firemen and police found twenty bundles of inflammable material (firelighters) unburned lying throughout the ruins. That evening, Hitler was having dinner with Hermann Goering at the apartment of Joseph Goebbels in Berlin. Upon receiving the news, Hitler and Goebbels’ immediately left the apartment and drove the few blocks to the Reichstag, just as the firemen had brought the fire under control. Meeting Hermann Goering at the Reichstag, he proclaimed to Hitler, “This is Communist outrage! One of the Communist culprits has been arrested.” Hitler would characterize the fire a “sign from God” and prophesied it was a Fanal (signal) predestined to mark the commencement of a Communist Putsch (revolution) that Hitler was ordained to annihilate.
The collective demonizing and destruction of the reputation of Gen. Flynn is simply a modern-day Reichstag fire whereby if We the People are content to be passive bystanders or what Lenin called “useful idiots” then we deserve the societal catastrophe that will inevitably ensue. I further wrote in that 2015 essay on the Hitler/Goering Reichstag Fire—
Never underestimate the motives of a tyrant to seize and keep power over the people. Tyrants don’t understand nor appreciate the words of Patrick Henry that “The chains of the Constitution were to bind the politicians.” The Reichstag fire is just one example. History is replete with examples after examples, however, if the people don’t read, don’t understand and don’t act upon history, then they will according to philosopher George Santayana be “doomed to repeat history.” This is the Socialist-Progressive pretext that throughout history and the Ages tyrants have always used to abuse the natural rights of We the People while dominating them in chains of Socialist slavery they always conflate as “freedom.” Remember the words of Hermann Goering, Hitler’s Reich-Marshall, “[T]he people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.” Tragically, Goering was correct.
America, you must pay attention to history and not to Holocaust Democrats and their slavish allies MSM Agitprop. It’s like we are collectively living inside the Matrix and Alex Jones as Morpheus is trying to convince you Neo, as We the People, to take the red pill and wake up from your delusion where everything up to this point in your life that they told you has been lies and disinformation. This also is not a new tactic by the Left for the war cry by one of the Left’s most beloved radical group from the 1960s, Students for Democratic Society, had this popular fascist slogan—THE ISSUE IS NEVER THE ISSUE. THE ISSUE IS ALWAYS THE REVOLUTION. What revolution? The Communist/Socialist/Progressive Revolution to deconstruct and destroy America’s Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions brick-by-brick.
Gen. Flynn is simply the latest brick the Progressive Revolution seeks to destroy. Don’t allow good men like Gen. Flynn and President Trump to die in vain, because that won’t stop with them, you and your family will be next. Don’t allow the traitorous Democrat Socialist Party and all their Gatekeepers and institutional control like the D.C. pedophile network continue to operate molest and murder innocent children with impunity. English Conservative forefather, Sir Edmund Burke said it best— “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
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Also, please be sure to check out some of my favorite places where you can read things from other great Patriots, Veterans, Conservatives and overall Good Folks. Click anywhere on this link to see "The Roster!"
From a discussion thread a little while ago, our fellow patriot and community member, Elaine Blackman, shared this one with me, and so I'm putting it here for everyone. Enjoy!
By Ellis Washington
To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it.
Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons.
~ Tweet by Roger Stone, 5 Aug. 2017
To Alinsky General Michael Flynn: ‘Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it’
In an Aug. 14th bombshell interview by radio host David Zublick of InfoWars, host Roger Stone cites this revelatory report that the real reason the Deep State forced President Trump to fire his NSA head, Gen. Michael Flynn was not because of alleged Flynn/Russia collusion (which doesn’t exist and the MSM hasn’t been able to prove), but because Gen. Flynn has in his possession a long list of names of elite and powerful D.C. politicians (Democrats and Republicans), including judges, lobbyists and Deep State apparatchiks on a pedophile list. “According to political operative and Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone, General Michael Flynn is sitting on a list of Deep State pedophiles,” according to Zublick “and will use that list as protection against attempts to harm him, his family and the President.”
In a wide ranging interview, Stone also reveals that: “Reince Priebus was a pedophile enabler who was instrumental in leaking information to the press, John McCain is mentally unbalanced and should have been court-martialed for treason, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is opposed to everything Donald Trump stands for, and is in fact part of the Deep State attempting to do Trump harm, and that the new White House Chief of Staff, General John Kelly is keeping valuable information from the President.” That incredible admission corresponds to facts stated in a Aug. 15th InfoWars interview of Dr. Jerome Corsi by Owen Shroyer. When asked by Shroyer why was the news about Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio being convicted on an Obama-inspired political revenge prosecution, Corsi directed the discussion to recently appointed Chief of Staff Gen. Kelly to purposely keep information and relevant news from Trump that the Deep State doesn’t want Trump to know about and further responded:
“I think part of the problem with Gen. Kelly is he’s going to try to keep any news coming from InfoWars or any of the other channels that are really in touch with Donald Trump’s base from reaching Donald Trump and insulate him to a prepackaged kind of mainstream media approach to the news. I don’t think it is going to be successful. I think Donald Trump follows InfoWars. He certainly has followed the reporting I’ve done for years, and I think that this case and Sheriff Arpaio’s is a clear indication that this is the case. And I think Roger Stone would support that.”
“A former CIA agent says that Gen Michael Flynn was ousted from the White House after obtaining a Washington, D.C. pedophile list naming list naming high-level politicians who belong to a DC pedophile ring.” According to Robert David Steele, “Flynn was fired after he obtained a list of names, some of whom the FBI were actively investigating in connection to the PizzaGate scandal and one of whom was Vice President Mike Pence’s best friend.” When this incredible information is exposed more to the public domain, it will bring greater scrutiny into the life of VP Pence.
Obvious questions will be asked by the public: ‘Do birds of a feather flock together’? Why was Flynn’s alleged ‘lying’ to Pence the last straw that caused Trump to force the resignation of Gen. Flynn? This is all too convenient and in D.C. politics there are no such thing as coincidences. Everything, everybody in D.C. to survive must plan and plot one against the other. “Trust no one” are the D.C. watchwords. Nevertheless, to get at the truth ask yourself, Qui Bono? —Who benefits? Robert Steele, “a former CIA officer says there are locations in Washington, D.C. and Saudi Arabia where children are routinely ordered and trafficked to highly-placed politicians operating in the capital. According to Steele, Donald Trump is our last chance to take down the Deep State.”

Why House Speaker Dennis Hastert wasn’t charged for pedophilia?
“The white hat intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie Sanders. Former CIA Head, John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the electoral college and that “John Brennan is the highest-paid agent of Saudi Arabia and should be under FBI investigation,” according to Zublick’s report published a few weeks ago. But it gets worse. Former Chief of Staff under the Trump administration, “Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper [sic] of pedophilia and part of the reason he was replaced as the Chief of Staff was because of that. And former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert (a well-known pedophile who was forced to resign for bank accounts used to hide payouts to his pedophile victims), is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Inside info has it that they couldn’t charge Hastert for pedophilia because he personally knew all the D.C. pedophiles. How? He was promoted to Speaker of the House as a reward for running the Uber secretive D.C. pedophile network, thus if they charged him for pedophilia, legal discovery would expose all the politicians, judges, Deep State apparatchiks and foreign leaders on this list. This would explode the D.C. devil’s den of evil, so they swept all the Speaker’s grotesqueries under a rug, convicted Hastert on tangential charges of bank fraud and failure to disclose and sent him to the federal penitentiary for 13 months. He’s currently a free man now as unrepentant as ever. Hastert has in fact sued his victims for the $1.7 million he was forced to pay off to hid his pedophile crimes against them, to now return his money!? You can’t make this stuff up.
‘I’ll have the stake, the house wine and Boy #9’
“Pedophilia is an elite privilege for the Democrats it is an acquired taste and John Podesta is pedo-lite. The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a big-league thing, the Zublick report stated, and cited further incriminating and grotesque evidence that: “there are Saudi Arabian and Washington, DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off the menu. D.C. Pedophilia is the Achilles heel and Donald Trump has figured that out.” Here I must depart from Stone’s analysis for I am not convinced that President Trump has figured out who the real enemy is? He seems to keep putting Deep State apparatchiks in key high positions like Gen. John Kelly as his new Chief of Staff whose first order of business is to isolate Trump and screen what information is coming to the President—information that is bent towards disinformation and toward Deep State globalism, both are not compatible with Trump’s ‘America First’ Nationalism.
The Zublick report continued that Trump’s National Security Council head, “General Flynn did not get fired because he called the Russians. Flynn got fired because he had the arrogance to think that he could tell [Gen.] Mattis and [Secretary of State] Tillerson what to do. And Flynn pissed off Vice President Pence. Now Flynn’s call that got him into trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the U.S., one of them happens to be Vice President Mike Pence’s best friend [Arizona Senator] Jeff Flake.” Did Pence get angry because: “Flynn did not tell Pence about the list or that his best friend was on it”? This begs the question, how did: “Pence find out about this list from the Deep State”? The answer is well-known and is demonstrative of Orwellian 1984 dark, dystopian narrative in modern times— “The Deep State, the NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity and the CIA is leaking highly classified information as part of a political and military coup against Donald Trump.”

Radio host David Zublick in a Aug. 14th interview of InfoWars host, Roger Stone asks what he meant by his Tweet on Aug. 5th 2017— “Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons #Netherlands.” Stone replied, “The Tweet you referred to is based on my own substantial research the idea that is promulgated by the MSM that pedophilia is non-existent is [more] than false. In fact, certain strata of society both in the U.S. and Europe many, many of the elites are engaging in pedophilia, sex trafficking of children. We have documented substantial sex trafficking [of children] from the nation of Haiti in wake of the horrific earthquake there. This is sex trafficking conducted by the government installed and abetted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. I think a number of the high-level officials around the Clintons in her campaign and in his White House are active pedophiles.”
“Gen. Flynn, I am led to believe has a list of known pedophiles that was provided to him by international sources in The Netherlands. I believe that is his ultimate protection in the current Deep State effort to take him and the President Trump down. I know of no evidence of any illegal activity by Gen. Flynn. Those who say he lobbied for Turkey and that he failed to register and disclose that are incorrect,” stated Stone. “By law a lobbying contract held by at that point former general with the nation of Turkey would happen out in two places—One, in the U.S. House of Representatives… and the other with the State Department, Office of Foreign Agent Registration. Now, in this case Gen. Flynn filed with the House [of Representatives], but he failed to file with the State Department.”
“If he were trying to hide something they were trying to conceal it, he would never have filed anywhere. This was just an inadvertent legal mistake and obviously can easily be remedied quite easily with an amended filing under the Foreign Agent Registration Act,” said Stone. “So, it’s much ado about nothing; it’s an attempt I believe to discredit Gen. Flynn because the elites and those engaged in pedophilia, about child sex trafficking know that he has the goods on them.”

Reichstag Fire Redux and Agitprop
Of course, the demonizing of the highly decorated Gen. Flynn is based on trumped up, fraudulent charges by Obama, Hillary, the Democrat Party along with the Deep State operatives who are desperate to hide their decades of criminal and grotesque crimes; who obsessively hate President Trump. Holocaust Democrats have always used Communist tactics like divide-and-conquer and Agitprop (Agitation-Propaganda) to create societal chaos, to isolate and destroy enemies, but most importantly to distract the public from the real issues and crimes visible in plain sight like the MSM blackout scandal of rampant pedophilia scandals by D.C. elites and world leaders particularly in European countries like England, France, Italy, and by Middle Eastern countries particularly Saudi Arabia who order children off the menu in certain exclusive D.C. restaurants!
These evil political tactics like divide-and-conquer, Alinsky targeting, and Agitprop aren’t without precedent. Recall the Reichstag Fire in Germany of 27 Feb. 1933 (less than one month after Hitler was appointed Chancellor (most likely started by a Nazi conspiracy between Hitler and his loyal henchman Hermann Goering to secure absolute power in Germany according to the definitive history by William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Shirer wrote:
It will be remembered that the aged President [Hindenburg] was bamboozled into signing the decree the day after the Reichstag fire when Hitler assured him that there was grave danger of a Communist revolution. The decree, which suspended all civil rights, remained in force throughout the time of the Third Reich, enabling the Fuehrer to rule by a sort of continual martial law.
In my 2015 essay for RenewAmerica titled, Hitler’s Reichstag fire and the Progressive pretext for Tyranny, I chronicled the accumulation of events after Hitler’s unlikely rise to power, elected by the people of Germany—
On January 30, 1933, Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor and leader of the coalition government. As Chancellor, Hitler demanded that German President Paul von Hindenburg to disband the Reichstag (German Parliament) and demand new parliamentary elections which would be held on March 5, 1933. Hitler’s Machiavellian scheme was first to solidify a National Socialist majority, to eventually secure his position as both Chancellor and President of Germany and eliminate all communist resistance. Hitler desired to use pseudo-legal strictures to eliminate democracy by passing the Enabling Act. The Enabling Act was a special law which gave the Chancellor the power to pass laws without the participation of the Reichstag; to essentially rule as a dictator. Ironically Hitler’s new dictatorial powers were allowable under the old Weimar Constitution (1919-32) whereby the President could rule by decree in times of emergency using his Article 48 powers. However, the extraordinary supremacies of Hitler’s Enabling Act went even further; empowering that the Chancellor (not President von Hindenburg) held these immense powers.

On February 27, 1933, just after 9:00 pm, the Berlin Fire Department was alerted that the Reichstag was burning. The building was virtually destroyed by the blaze when extinguished by the firemen at 11:30 pm. Upon inspection, the firemen and police found twenty bundles of inflammable material (firelighters) unburned lying throughout the ruins. That evening, Hitler was having dinner with Hermann Goering at the apartment of Joseph Goebbels in Berlin. Upon receiving the news, Hitler and Goebbels’ immediately left the apartment and drove the few blocks to the Reichstag, just as the firemen had brought the fire under control. Meeting Hermann Goering at the Reichstag, he proclaimed to Hitler, “This is Communist outrage! One of the Communist culprits has been arrested.” Hitler would characterize the fire a “sign from God” and prophesied it was a Fanal (signal) predestined to mark the commencement of a Communist Putsch (revolution) that Hitler was ordained to annihilate.
The collective demonizing and destruction of the reputation of Gen. Flynn is simply a modern-day Reichstag fire whereby if We the People are content to be passive bystanders or what Lenin called “useful idiots” then we deserve the societal catastrophe that will inevitably ensue. I further wrote in that 2015 essay on the Hitler/Goering Reichstag Fire—
Never underestimate the motives of a tyrant to seize and keep power over the people. Tyrants don’t understand nor appreciate the words of Patrick Henry that “The chains of the Constitution were to bind the politicians.” The Reichstag fire is just one example. History is replete with examples after examples, however, if the people don’t read, don’t understand and don’t act upon history, then they will according to philosopher George Santayana be “doomed to repeat history.” This is the Socialist-Progressive pretext that throughout history and the Ages tyrants have always used to abuse the natural rights of We the People while dominating them in chains of Socialist slavery they always conflate as “freedom.” Remember the words of Hermann Goering, Hitler’s Reich-Marshall, “[T]he people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.” Tragically, Goering was correct.
America, you must pay attention to history and not to Holocaust Democrats and their slavish allies MSM Agitprop. It’s like we are collectively living inside the Matrix and Alex Jones as Morpheus is trying to convince you Neo, as We the People, to take the red pill and wake up from your delusion where everything up to this point in your life that they told you has been lies and disinformation. This also is not a new tactic by the Left for the war cry by one of the Left’s most beloved radical group from the 1960s, Students for Democratic Society, had this popular fascist slogan—THE ISSUE IS NEVER THE ISSUE. THE ISSUE IS ALWAYS THE REVOLUTION. What revolution? The Communist/Socialist/Progressive Revolution to deconstruct and destroy America’s Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions brick-by-brick.
Gen. Flynn is simply the latest brick the Progressive Revolution seeks to destroy. Don’t allow good men like Gen. Flynn and President Trump to die in vain, because that won’t stop with them, you and your family will be next. Don’t allow the traitorous Democrat Socialist Party and all their Gatekeepers and institutional control like the D.C. pedophile network continue to operate molest and murder innocent children with impunity. English Conservative forefather, Sir Edmund Burke said it best— “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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