Leftists Rage After Donald Trump Posts Photoshopped Image Honoring Hero Dog
Anti-Trump leftists reacted negatively on Twitter Wednesday to President Trump’s tweet of a photoshopped image honoring the hero dog that chased Islamic State (ISIS) founder and leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, into a tunnel.
Trump tweeted an obviously photoshopped image depicting him honoring the dog, whose photo was released on Tuesday.
“AMERICAN HERO!” Trump wrote alongside the photoshopped image:
AMERICAN HERO! pic.twitter.com/XCCa2sGfsZ— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2019
However, Trump’s decision to tweet the image, reportedly created by Daily Wire, prompted some to fact-check the obviously doctored image.
“I’ve requested details from the @WhiteHouse on this photo. There was no such canine event on today’s @POTUS schedule but there is a Medal of Honor ceremony set here for later today for an active duty Green Beret,” Voice of America White House bureau chief Steve Herman wrote:
I've requested details from the @WhiteHouse on this photo.— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) October 30, 2019
There was no such canine event on today's @POTUS schedule but there is a Medal of Honor ceremony set here for later today for an active duty Green Beret. https://t.co/NESINT9J4b
“‘It’s photoshopped,’ acknowledges a @WhiteHouse official. The dog is not here at the @WhiteHouse — yet,” he continued, retweeting a picture of the original image.
Photoshopped from the first Medal of Honor @realDonaldTrump awarded (to James McCloughan of the @USArmy for conspicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War). https://t.co/PHEUCZd6B0— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) October 30, 2019
Trump’s tweet was not well-received by some on social media:
Why the fuck would you photoshop a picture instead of actually awarding the dog?— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) October 30, 2019
As technology advances, it will be easier and easier to make completely fabricated photos and even videos to spread misinformation and lies. Seems like Trump and lying fake news media outlets like Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire trash rags are practicing their best. Ridiculous. pic.twitter.com/DQttW2hkb4— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) October 30, 2019
Donald Trump just tweeted a photoshopped picture of himself putting a medal around a dog’s neck. pic.twitter.com/OskCQPE9dq— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) October 30, 2019
This is incredible. It is despicable. Additional words fail me. https://t.co/AJ8caUoM3W— Matt Armstrong (@mountainrunner) October 30, 2019
How could they possibly screw up a lovely story about a brave dog helping to capture the world's most wanted terrorist? By photoshopping said dog into a picture with Trump to remind us this president would never, ever, ever touch a dog in real life. https://t.co/OaEbFhbQ6P— Molly Knight (@molly_knight) October 30, 2019
Somewhere out there, Donald Trump Jr. is photoshopping his face over the dog’s face. https://t.co/VXHigYnIq6— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) October 30, 2019
Fine, just the president of the United States disseminating a doctored image created by a right-wing propaganda site. pic.twitter.com/Ky26zdDaXe— S.V. Dáte (@svdate) October 30, 2019
This hero pup was raised to protect us, so Trump had to photoshop this picture because the dog would bite him.— Nick Jack o'Lantern Pappas (@Pappiness) October 30, 2019
Photshopped? Fake News? There has been no medal ceremony here. The dog deserves better! @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/cXuK7V6KJ4— Brian J. Karem (@BrianKarem) October 30, 2019
Fake News: President Trump Did NOT Award K-9 Medal Of Honor To The Dog Who Chased Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi To His Death https://t.co/uHBrDlcVln #fakenews pic.twitter.com/fpbIyWjAvO— Lead Stories (@LeadStoriesCom) October 30, 2019
That poor pooch https://t.co/kEtlGevLiB— HuffPost UK (@HuffPostUK) October 30, 2019
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley said during a press conference on Monday that the dog, a Belgian Malinois, is “still in theater.”
“The dog, the K-9, the military working dog performed a tremendous service as they all do in a variety of situations. Slightly wounded, and fully recovering, but the dog is still in theater, returned to duty with its handler,” Milley said.
“Pentagon officials are also looking to see if the dog is eligible for a Purple Heart but indicated it could depend on the extent of the injuries,” as Breitbart News reported.
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