Carl Bernstein: ‘Increasingly Unstable’ Trump Is a ‘Danger to the National Security’

By Pam Key

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” network political analyst Carl Bernstein said President Donald Trump was becoming “increasingly unstable,” which he deemed to be “a danger to the national security.”

On the reports of a second whistleblower, Bernstein said, “Well, I think it’s going to be both dramatic, and he is going to have apparently firsthand knowledge of what transpired here. I think that what all of this becomes more and more is considerable evidence building that we have a fundamentally corrupt president who is a danger to the national security, has undermined our democratic system, and is increasingly unstable.”

He added, “I know that many Republicans are looking at this and are aware of a good part of that equation if not all of that. Whether they will ever say it aloud is something else. And I think there are people in the White House who recognize that. There are Republicans who are aware of all of the things that I just said on an evidentiary level. And that’s where we’re heading in a kind of really unprecedented crisis when you put all those elements together. Remember, that the president’s closest national security advisors, Mattis, McMaster, Kelly, others, Tillerson, all left saying to others that the president of the United States is a threat to our own national security and we’re seeing it.”

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