The Warrior Song Project - An Interview with Sean Householder
By Willie
I was 1st introduced to the Warrior Song during comments by CargoSquid.
I decided to pursue the the issue and emailed Warrior Song Project. I found that Sean Householder founded it all back in 2009 out of frustration of the lack of support the Military got.
While Sean has not served Active Duty, I believe he has done a great service for the Military and this great nation.
Here is Sean’s explanation for the project in his reply to my email:
You can just call me Sean.
What led up to Sean Householder’s decision to do the Warrior Song?
“I was agitated” into it by a barrage of news articles between 2008-2009 that all seemed to be pushing stories of low morale, lack of public support for the war, etc, etc…just tons of negativity, and I really began to get the feeling that there was a concerted effort in the media to undermine the morale of our military overseas and our morale/support for them here at home. It had just been on my mind a lot…I never thought “hey I’ll write a song for them!” There was no conscious decision to do it.
In mid 2009, I was writing a high energy song for a video game that opened with the lyrics “Just like a Marine on the beach I’m a killing machine, with a need to bleed you when the light goes green….” and I loved those lines, but everything that followed them sucked.
I hit a wall writing the words, because I wanted something really hard lyrically…but it had to be real, not contrived…so I turned on the military channel for inspiration and there was a show about Basic Training in the various branches. As it went to commercial, there was a platoon doing a run and singing a cadence…As they faded to black, I muted the TV and those cadence voices kept singing in my mind, and they sang the warrior song all at once…those lyrics came out in 5 minutes.
It was a fight song.
Is Mr Householder a Veteran?
No, and its one of my biggest regrets in life.
When did the versions come out for each service?
The Original: October 8, 2009. A few months later I got an email from some Marines at Camp Pendleton asking for a version with heavier guitars so they could hear it over the guns at the range. Hard Corps was born from that request on July 10, 2010. Of course then everybody wanted their own version….so Leviathan (Navy) came out on February 7, 2013, Aer Vis (Air Force) on November 11, 2013, and the final song Aquila Natus (Army) on September 19 2017.
Will there be a Coast Guard version?
Not at this time. I have just as much respect and admiration for the Guard as I do for anybody else…but their primary purpose isn’t to kill the enemy…and thats who these songs were written for. They are specifically created to pump up guys who have to go kill people. They are nasty blood and guts anthems and they talk almost entirely about killing the enemy. And thats not what the Coast Guard is. Sure, that may happen in their course of duty, that goes without saying, but it isn’t their main function, so it's never felt right to me.
Are there any Military charities benefitting from sales?
There were, for several years, yes. When the songs first came out and went viral, they were selling like crazy, And I donated all the warrior song sales to the Armed Forces Relief Trust, because they split all their donations equally amongst the branches. While the money was flowing I was sending the AFRT checks for thousands of dollars a month for a few years there. Some time later, the AFRT was dismantled because a number of states and the Federal Government began passing laws that were designed specifically to target conservative charities, and one of the byproducts of these blanket maneuvers was that the AFRT was disabled from collecting donations across state lines. It pretty much ended them. About the same time, sales of the songs petered out, as all things do, and the couple hundred dollars a month that comes in these days just goes to maintain the website and support the CD and DVD sales (which are also dwindling rapidly, and will likely stop soon).
What kind of feedback have you gotten from Military Veterans?
99.9999999% positive. I may have gotten three angry letters from Vets in the last decade. The rest were incredibly supportive, thankful, and complimentary. Every now and then I still get a letter that would move you to tears from some Vietnam Vet in ill health who just wrote to say “thanks man, this thing makes me feel alive again, and I haven’t felt like that in years.”
I’m paraphrasing of course…but my inbox is filled with thousands and thousands of emails…and one hand-written letter from the acting CO (at the time) of the Army Reserve. Col Christine Stark wrote to share that her son turned her on to the song after he got back from Afghanistan, I believe, and said that it had been a real motivator for him and his buddies….and thats exactly what it was supposed to be.
The Warrior Song website
The Songs (All 5!):
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