Over 100 Years of BETRAYAL!

As a great many of us know, this mighty nation in which we reside was on the verge of destruction (and STILL IS) when we revolted against the globalists, whose bought and paid for minions have been selling out "We the People" for the benefit of their masters, when we elected President Trump. We started down this road in 1917 when those minions (both elected and UNELECTED) steered us into needlessly becoming involved in WWI. Had we NOT done so it WOULD HAVE ended in an a MUTUALLY agreed treaty that might have spared us WWII. Such did not happen and in it's wake the ill fated "League of Nations" was founded and it's well intentioned folly lead to it's demise.
The Great Depression saw a massive increase in government agencies and with it massive corruption that would be the real beginnings of what may well be this nation's END unless we can hand those with the intention of oppressing us a massive defeat in the next election. Among those was the creation of the well intended "FBI", however, looking back it appears that it's first "Director" was in the pockets of organized crime that he not only refused to use that agency against, until "his hand was forced" by the televised testimony before the Kefauver Committee of various crime figures to include Joe Valachi left him no choice gut to suddenly "discover" what most of the nation had KNOWN for decades.
In the aftermath of WWII, numerous clandestine "Operations" were launched by the CIA, most of which were well intended but were of a such a despicable nature that the two NONGLOBALIST Presidents (Eisenhauer and JFK) were appalled by them. Here are a FEW of them for which the evidence exists
Which was part of what lead to the murder of JFK for his desire to destroy the CIA. By this time, the corruption was so entrenched that not only the CIA but the FBI and Secret Service were involved in the cover up. AND, it is ALSO the REAL REASON WHY the Mueller "investigation" targeted Roger Stone who was making too much TRUTH known about it. Truth that would reveal just HOW UNTRUSTWORTHY our "most trusted" agencies REALLY ARE!
But WHY would the Secret Service BE a part of this cover up you ask? There are TWO GOOD reasons, first on the day of the shooting the Secret Service men who COULD HAVE protected him were called WAY FROM their assigned posts, and secondly the head shot that killed him was? An accidental discharge from the ONLY other rifle KNOWN to have been IN Dealey plaza that day, an AR15 in the Secret Service "trail car"
So WHY are documents about it STILL classified? As I can't post any MORE videos, do a quick search FOE ONE ENTITLED "Photo of George HW Bush at Funeral With JFK Proves Treason. The Globalists minions have made it clear, that when they say "BY ANY Means Necessary" THEY MEAN IT! The unelected garbage in our government, who are serving the agenda OF the globalists, MUST BE ROOTED OUT IF our nation and our liberties are to survive!
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