Oath Keepers Call to Action: ICE Families Need Protection from Antifa
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Oath Keepers Call to Action: ICE Families Need Protection from Antifa Screengrab Oathkeepers.com |
Texas – -(AmmoLand.com)- Oath Keepers and fellow patriots,
Oath Keepers is sending a leadership team to the El Paso, TX area September 1-10, 2019, to reach out and offer our protection to any ICE, CBP, or other LEO or military family under threat; to help organize and train neighborhood watches, starting in law enforcement and military neighborhoods; and to schedule/conduct active shooter response training (see below). On that leadership team will be one of our national LEO Liaisons who is retired law enforcement, a retired trauma nurse, and also a certified “Stop the Bleed” instructor.
The radical left has increasingly targeted ICE and CBP (Customs and Border Protection) personnel nationwide for harassment, doxing (publishing names and home addresses), threats, and actual violence (two armed terrorist attacks so far).
Leftist propaganda, liberal mainstream media, and even members of Congress have declared any and all ICE and CBP immigration detention/processing facilities to be “concentration camps” and routinely call ICE and CBP personnel “Nazis” or “fascists” as the left tries to label the entire Trump Administration “white nationalist/white supremacist.” That demonizing and hatred has most recently focused on El Paso, TX with leftists from across the nation planning on converging there Sept. 1-10.
Our mission in the El Paso area (including Sunland Park, NM), will be to accomplish the following:
Our mission in the El Paso area (including Sunland Park, NM), will be to accomplish the following:
- To offer volunteer security for any ICE, CBP or other LEO or military family (current serving or retired), or any other private property owners, who are under threat or otherwise need our help. We will do this as part of our Back the Blue (and Green) program. As noted above, the radical left has repeatedly doxed ICE and Border Patrol personnel, releasing their home addresses. They have done the same with military families. We will assign experienced military and police veterans to any family who requests our assistance.
- To assist in establishing neighborhood watches in neighborhoods with a high concentration of military and law enforcement families. Our El Paso area members are already working on this. We will bring in some of our top national leaders and trainers to help them.
- To schedule and conduct active shooter response training, starting in those El Paso LEO and military neighborhoods. We have two currently certified law enforcement active shooter response trainers on our national staff who are available. That training will include emergency medical care, taught by certified “Stop the Bleed” instructors.
Attention military or LEO families in the El Paso area: To request our help with volunteer home security and protection of your family, please email us at: leo@oathkeepers.org. Please put “El Paso area LEO (or Military) family needs security help” in the subject line. We will have one of our national LEO liaisons respond (a current serving or retired LEO on our national BOD).
Attention trainers: If you are an experienced LEO, military, or security trainer with training and experience that would be relevant to helping us train up neighborhood watches and conduct active shooter response and emergency medical training in El Paso, you can volunteer by emailing us at: leo@oathkeepers.org. Please put “Trainer Available to Help in El Paso Area” in the title.
Please include all relevant information on your training and experience, with whatever documentation you can provide. Expect to be heavily vetted including a full background check.
Attention Security Volunteers: To volunteer to serve in a security detail to protect LEO or military families possibly under threat in the El Paso area, please email us at: tx@oathkeepers.org. Only trained and experienced personnel please (i.e. military, LEO, or private security training and experience). Please include all relevant information on your training and experience, with whatever documentation you can provide. Expect to be heavily vetted, including a full background check.
NOTE: We will likely schedule a public gathering in the El Paso area sometime between Sept. 1 – 10 to show support for ICE and CBP. We will post further information on that shortly. If you are interested in attending that gathering, please email us at: tx@oathkeepers.org. Put “want to attend El Paso show of support for ICE/CBP” in the subject line.
If you cannot make it in person to help us with this mission, please consider donating to support our work. Every donation helps, no matter how small. Thank you for your support! You can donate here.
Background on the Antifa/far-left terrorism threat to ICE and CBP
May 1, 2019, FBI investigating possible Antifa plot to purchase weapons from a Mexican drug cartel and stage uprising at the border. As reported here, and here, the plot allegedly included setting up training camps to train anarchists in the use of weapons and reconnaissance techniques to then conduct armed disruption missions against U.S. federal law enforcement and military personnel along the border.
July 12, 2019, trespass and desecration of U.S. flag at ICE Center in Aurora, CO: Protesters trespassed and then ripped down the American flag, attempted to burn it, and hoisted up a Mexican flag in its place, at an ICE detention facility in Aurora, Colorado. They also flew a defaced “blue lives matter” flag upside down with the words “Abolish ICE” spray painted on it. One Antifa twitter account praised the action and declared “Viva la Raza!”

About Oath Keepers:
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like-minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us, God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.
For more information, visit www.oathkeepers.org.
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