California rep. asks Greta Thunberg what she should tell her daughter about destruction of planet

By Eric Utter California Rep. Katie Porter (it would be stating the obvious to point out that she is a Democrat) recently asked 18-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg what she should tell her daughter about climate change. The 47-year-old mother and elected Golden State representative queried Thunberg, stating: I told my nine-year-old daughter that I was going to be speaking with you. And I said, what do you think about the climate change? And she said, 'the earth is on fire and we're all going to die soon.' And I asked her how that made her feel and she said it made her feel angry. What should I tell my daughter and how should I help her and the youngest generation bear the emotional toll of the actions that we're taking, fossil fuel companies are taking to destroy our planet. To this Thunberg replied: And, of course, always the best medication against anger and anxiety is to take action yourself. So that's what I would tell her. To take action herself, be...