The Media Pretended Rioting Wasn’t Happening Until They Couldn’t Anymore
The Democratic Party’s media allies have pulled out all the stops in covering for their lackluster candidate Joe Biden this year. They ignored the gaffes, the racist comments, and the American cities on fire for months, but now the polls are shifting , and the panic is palpable. The general consensus was Biden is ahead, and any ineptitude from him was irrelevant because simply the promise of “normalcy” was enough to beat Trump handily. The polls said so, of course. But then Democrats failed to condemn, let alone even mention, the ongoing arson, riots, and violent crime at their convention two weeks ago. Only a few days after their convention, and in the middle of the Republican National Convention, Kenosha, Wisconsin broke out in all of the above, placing the GOP in the perfect position to paint Biden as an enabler of the radical left. As the Biden campaign remained silent, The New York Times quickly realized the position Democrats were in, reporting “ How Chaos i...